Gold Mop Shrubs, scientifically known as Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea,' are beloved for their vibrant golden foliage and unique texture. These evergreen shrubs add a pop of color to any landscape, particularly in the spring and summer months when their foliage is most vibrant.

Gold Mop Shrubs are low-maintenance and drought-tolerant once established, making them an excellent choice for busy gardeners or those looking for a resilient plant. They are also deer resistant, adding to their appeal in areas with wildlife.

At Leaf and Pots Nursery, we offer a selection of Gold Mop Shrubs that are perfect for adding a bright, cheerful touch to your garden. Whether used as a border, accent plant, or focal point, Gold Mop Shrubs are sure to enhance your outdoor space.

Gold Mop Cypress Shrub
Gold Mop Cypress Shrub

Shrub - Gold Mop

Gold Mop Cypress Shrub
Gold Mop Cypress Shrub

Shrub - Gold Mop

Gold Mop Cypress Shrub